Graduation sessions 2024 - 2025

1st period - 10/2024

2nd period - 12/2024

3rd period - 1/2025

4th period - 3/2025

5th period - 5/2025

6th period - 6/2025

7th period - 7/2025




Students who have acquired all the credits required by the Manifesto of Studies are eligible for the final examination, with the exception of those relating to the preparation and discussion of the final test. The final exam consists in the presentation and discussion of the thesis, developed in an original way by the student and under the guidance of a supervisor. This work has a premise in the four laboratories of the first and second year, where multidisciplinary didactic contributions are composed.

The final exam takes place with the presentation to the Commission of boards on themes relating to the project at an architectural, urban, territorial or landscape scale and supported by scientific research and critical interpretations fed by disciplines dealing with the training of an architect. 

The thesis has individual character. For particularly complex and/or experimental thesis topics, group elaboration is permitted, as long as the individual contribution is always recognizable.

The thesis is written in English. Upon a motivated request from the graduating student, a thesis written in other languages may also be accepted. Even in this case the presentation and discussion takes place in English. The thesis must however contain an extract in Italian.



The commissions for the evaluation of the final exam are appointed by the Rector or, upon his delegation, by the Director of the Department and are made up of at least 7 (seven) members, chosen among tenured professors and researchers. At least 4 members of the Commission have to be tenured professors.

The commission for the evaluation of the final exam expresses its vote out of one hundred and ten, considering the curriculum studiorum and the thesis work for which the maximum admissible evaluation is 8 points. The commission may grant, unanimously and on the proposal of a non-rapporteur commissioner, honors to the candidate who achieves maximum marks, with reference to both the curriculum studiorum and the thesis work. The minimum mark for passing the final exam is sixty-six/one hundred and tenths.



Each professor holding an official teaching that is provided by the Manifesto of Studies of the Master’s Degree Course can be the supervisor of a degree thesis.

Co-supervisors, even external to DiARC, are provided to support specific skills required by the thesis topic.

Each supervisor professor can present a “degree offer”.

Any other form of identification of the topics of the thesis is left to the free relationship between professors and graduands, without prejudice to the need to specify, during the presentation, nature and reasons for “disciplinary study” of the work carried out.



The completion of the thesis provides for 8 CFU/ECTS credits.

Students enrolled in the 2nd year and next years are allowed to submit the graduation application.

 The application request for the graduation session is explained as follows.

  1. Application: 

Application for a graduation session can exclusively be done through the Segrepass system under the heading “Segreteria online”.

Once the application has been submitted, if the student means to cancel it, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure for the next session and to send a communication to:

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  1. Deadlines for presentation:

The application must be submitted from the 1st to the 20th day of the month before the month in which the graduation session - in which the student intends to obtain the final qualification - begins.

  1. Tuition fees (for students who have completed exams within set time period and miss the graduation final exam only):

together with the submission of the online graduation application, it is necessary to pay the virtual stamp duty of €16.00 (Segrepass payment cart).

  1. Other tuition fees (for students who have not completed exams within set time and miss the graduation final exam only):
  2. The BOEL (Bollettino Elettronico) to pay the enrollment fee for the graduation final exam only, if due, can be found under the heading “modulo pagamenti diversi” (other payments form) on the website page unina.itModulistica Segreteria Studenti (or download here) and has to be completed by filling the following entries:
  • Codice facoltà (Department Code) > 14
  • Codice versamento (Payment code) > 0900
  • Importo (Amount) > €218,00
  1. The BOEL (Bollettino Elettronico) to pay the regional tax can be found under the heading “Modulo pagamento prima rata di iscrizione” (First enrollment installment payment form) on the website page unina.itModulisticaSegreteria Studenti (or download here).

The BOEL (Bollettino Elettronico), as explicitly indicated in the footnotes, can only be used at the branches of Banca Intesa San Paolo.


All payments will be verified automatically by the student secretariat officers.

  1. Once the procedure has been completed, send an email to the address:

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in which it is mandatory to indicate your matricola and the chosen date in the email subject. You have to attach as well:

  • - copy of the bank transfer concerning the payment of the virtual stamp duty (see step 3 and/or step 4);
  • - pdf of the application entered (downloadable from the procedure performed on Segrepass, see step 1).


Graduation dates under the heading “calendario delle lauree” (calendar of graduations) can be found on the website page, in the section Study programmes > Student support > Application Forms > Architettura.

Graduation dates are also present on the website page in the section “Graduation”.



We inform you that the Department Council, on the basis of the Linee guida della Scuola Politecnica delle Scienze di Base (Guidelines of the Polytechnic School of Basic Sciences), has decided the recognition of “Training activities carried out abroad as part of the final exam” (CdD of 21.07.2014, and 30.10 .2015, and DP of the SPSB of 12.12.2015)

It is possible to recognize up to (N – 1) CFU/ECTS, where N is the number of credits for the final exam foreseen by Didactic Regulations, in the specific case it is N=8.

Supervisors and interested students are reminded that the procedures for the recognition of training activities carried out abroad as part of the final exam provide that:

A. For students receiving an ERASMUS grant or equivalent:

- students have to sign the Learning Agreement in which the item “Thesis activity” and the related credits must be included;

- the Didactic Coordination Commission has to receive, for the purpose of recognition, the documentation supporting the activity carried out from the Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali (International Relations Office).

B. For students working on their thesis abroad outside the ERASMUS programme:

- the supervisor has to communicate in advance to the Didactic Coordinator of the Degree Program that the student will carry out the thesis abroad, specifying place and period;

- the supervisor has to communicate in advance to the Ufficio Affari Generali (General Affairs Office) (Dr. Roberto Trabucco - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) that the student will carry out the thesis abroad, specifying place and period. This is essential for insurance coverage purposes;

- the Didactic Coordination Commission has to receive, for the purpose of recognition, communication from the supervisor that the activities have been duly concluded and a proposal regarding the number of CFU/ECTS of “Thesis activity” to be recognized, attaching a copy of the communication from the Ufficio Affari Generali (General Affairs Office) which confirms that the insurance coverage has been activated.